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Saturday, April 13, 2013

I was admittedly surprised to find this article in the New York Times on the “rise” of reincarnation belief (NYT, 2010).  

I think the one of the primary reasons that I am so fascinated by the subject of reincarnation (besides the fact that I want to live forever) is that it the concept can be found distributed among different cultures dating back to ancient times.  According to yesterday’s article, Buddhism borrowed the concept from Hinduism, but it also was part of some ancient Greek philosophy and in some African and Native American tribal beliefs.   

What do you think?  Could the idea have possibly spread across different cultures by some means (prior to more modern communications and travel?  Or is it more of a universal, basic bit of human nature to want another chance, to learn more,  to do better, or as we said as kids, to have a “do-over?” 


  1. The history channel is runnig a series named "acient aliens", where they explore theories abot the plant being visited by aliens of a superior intellect and knowledge. The explore physical sites in the world to try to explain the existence and possible use of these sites. In each site religious beliefs and customs of those native people are very similar to all the others....the drawings of these "gods" are also similar....if this occurred could it be that they promised to "return", imbuded them with knowledge they couldn't have created themselves, and possibly pushed them to believe in the possiblity of leaving this world and living on for ever with these aliens.....Religions all over the world quietly rale against this possibility as it would debunk their whole premise. The astronomical premise behind every location, the route and arrangement of the plants, shafts and placements mirroring and aligned with the consellation Orion is uncanny......Orion being the cradle of life and thus the possibility of being "re-incarnated" with the gods? being sent back as something else?

  2. Interesting idea that humans might have been indoctrinated by a central source
